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5 Bad Habits That Are Easier to Break During a Major Life Transition

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Image: Pexels

5 Bad Habits That Are Easier to Break During a Major Life Transition

Significant life events, both happy and sad, can create feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. However, such transitions also offer you a chance to wipe the slate clean of unhealthy habits and start fresh with more desirable behavior patterns. 

If you’ve recently experienced or are about to experience a major life transition, use this period, when your routine is disrupted and your world is upended, as the perfect window to make changes to your lifestyle.

1. Impulse Buying

Unplanned purchases deplete your savings and create clutter, and excess clutter can lead to negativity, complaining, and being overly critical. Get impulse buying under control using tips that make it harder to shop:

  • Delete retail apps from your phone
  • Uncheck boxes that automatically save your credit card information
  • Reject web cookies to avoid targeted ad campaigns

2. Toxic Relationships

Whether with a romantic partner, a colleague or a family member, toxic relationships can be harmful to your health. The stress caused by narcissistic, manipulative and abusive people puts you at greater risk of anxiety, depression and heart disease. 

Coping with or recovering from an illness should motivate you to eliminate toxic people from your life. Distance yourself from them. Surround yourself with positive people who bolster you and inspire you to live better.

If a relationship has you feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed, working with a therapist can help you find a path that leads to happiness and health.

3. Not Enough Exercise

A significant life event like an illness ​​can also serve as a wake-up call to adopt a healthier, more active lifestyle. Remove barriers to physical activity. If your time is limited, look for creative ways to incorporate movement into your current schedule. Take a short walk around the neighborhood after lunch. Ride a stationary bike as you catch up on emails.

Build a fitness habit by setting an extremely easy goal you’re sure to reach. For example, if you want to do push-ups as part of your daily routine, start by doing five. Increase your count as you do this consistently.

4. Poor Sleep Hygiene

Nobody knows more about sleep deprivation than new mothers. Though it’s challenging to get a full night’s sleep after having a baby, it’s more important than ever to ensure that the sleep you are getting is high quality. Improve your sleep hygiene by replacing bedtime vices with more rest-friendly alternatives:

  • Put away your phone and dive into an interesting book
  • Enjoy a cup of chamomile tea instead of a late-night snack
  • Record your worries in a journal to avoid having them disrupt your sleep

5. Overworking

Studies show that working long hours negatively impacts your physical and mental well-being. A job change opens the door for you to achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Starting your own business gives you greater control over your schedule and work environment. Visualize yourself being productive in a pleasant workspace and then leaving it all behind at the end of the day to enjoy your personal time.

If you’d rather find a new job instead of starting a business, now’s the time to update your resume with your latest experience, skills, and achievements. The easiest way to create an attractive resume is to use predesigned resume templates. Once you choose a template, you can customize it by adding your own text, colors, and images.

Major life transitions, whether planned or unexpected, provide valuable opportunities to cultivate better habits and find a more rewarding job. Rather than eliminating harmful habits, replace them with healthy substitutes that fulfill the same need. Changing behaviors takes time and persistence, but the results are worth it. Make the most of a new chapter in your life by striving to be your best self.

If you’re transitioning to a new home, Junk Removal Advice provides top-rated junk and debris removal services in Naples!

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